Signs Your Heating Unit Needs a Tune-Up

McAllen HeatingThe heating system in most homes goes unattended for the majority of the year, until the first cold snap of the Fall when our customers turn on their heating system and nothing happens. Either cold air is pumped though the system, the system becomes loud and noisy or no air moves through the system at all.
One of these symptoms would be bad enough, but these coupled with a batch of cold weather means our HVAC company is often called out for emergency situations.By signing up for an annual checkup of the heating and cooling systems the major symptoms of a broken unit can be avoided, along with the life of the system being longer than those operated without the proper maintenance.

Noisy Heating Systems Show the Need for a Heating System Tuneup

A heating system that is in need of a tuneup will often show a number of symptoms before the heat will stop completely. It is common to hear a heating system kick on in cold weather, particularly a forced air system.

However, strange noises and banging sounds that can be heard whenever the system is in operation or when it is about to begin working or turn off are signs that one of our professionals should be called in to check out the system.


High Utility Bills Can be a Sign of Heating System Problems

Heating and air systems are often amongst the highest users of electricity and gas in any home or business. A spike in the utility bills for any property is often a sign that the heating system is running inefficiently and is in need of repair or maintenance.

Comparing the utility bills associated with the heating with those from previous years will often include a sharp increase in cost for a heating system that is not working correctly.


Thermostat Problems are Another Sign

The latest technology is often equipped with warning signs that a system is not working correctly, which can include warning alarms and signs that flash when the system is in need of maintenance and repair.McAllen Heater Maintenance
A thermostat will often not work correctly at various times of the day when the system is not working correctly, this has resulted in our technicians being called out to repair thermostats that turn on and off at regular intervals.

Is the heater in your McAllen area home not working  quite like it used to? Call All Valley Plumbing & A/C Co. at (956) 686-6656 for a professional tuneup!