Maintaining a Garbage Disposal

Garbage DisposalMy Disposer Smells Really Bad

Have you ever walked into your kitchen, only to smell a rank, and awful stench coming from somewhere? You may check throughout the kitchen to see where the smell is coming from, in places such as the garbage, maybe even left out food, or the fridge, and you don't find the source of the smell. It's only your very last thought to check the garbage disposal, and then you realize the awful smell is coming right out of it. Many times people do not find out about their garbage disposal smell, until it gets bad enough to take over the entire kitchen.

A garbage disposal will smell, because of the food that is left over in it, but it is possible for the smell to be coming from the pipes, or sewage that is underneath it. More than likely, there is leftover food in your garbage disposal that you didn't realize was there, until the smell got so bad. Food that is not refrigerated can easily go bad, especially when the weather is very hot. The same goes for food that is in the garbage disposal, if it's left at room temperature, it can grow bacteria quickly, and began to stink. When your garbage disposal begins smelling, you can try calling a plumber.

What Can A Plumber Do To Get Rid Of It?

McAllen PlumberA plumber can get rid of the smell coming out of your garbage disposal, easier than you can. The garbage disposal will more than likely need to be disassembled, in order to find out the source of the smell. If there is food that is not properly being flushed down the pipes, it's possible that the pipes may need replacing as well, or cleaning. The garbage disposal can be cleaned as well, and the smell will be taken care of. It's easier to have a plumber do all of this, instead of trying to do it on your own.

What Shouldn't I Put Into My Disposer?

Some people who own a garbage disposal do not realize that they cannot just put any types of food in it, until it's too late. Hard items such as bones, glass, and big chunks of food, should not go into the garbage disposal. Anything that is not soft, may get stuck in the disposal, and even break it. Carefully choose the foods you throw down your garbage disposal.

If your home is in need of garbage disposal services, call All Valley Plumbing & AC Co. at (956) 686-6656 for the best services in the McAllen area.