Pet Owners: 3 plumbing Tips to Keep Cat and Dog Hair out of Drains and Pipes

When you save the life of pets and welcome them to your McAllen home, it's like having a new born child. A dog or cat can be the sparkplug that unites young children in learning how to care for them just as a pet can be a lifesaver for elderly folks who may be alone. It's pretty tough to beat - having your cat sitting on your lap and purring while you read or watch TV. That's the good news.

The not-so-good news is owning a pet that sheds; sometimes constantly and having to be on a first-name basis with your friendly plumbing company to clean out the drains and pipes. On occasion, your plumber may pass on tips you can take to keep the cat and dog hair out of drains and pipes. Here are a few tip reminders for new pet owners to tack on your refrigerator door. And if you're thanking this article, you're welcome.

McAllen, TX Drain Cleaning ServicesPlumbing Tip #1 -

If you are one of those pet owners who prefer to wash your dog or cat in the bathtub (especially when there is five feet of snow outside) that's okay. Just be sure you use one of those things you have hidden somewhere in your bathroom called a drain stopper or strainer. This tip, courtesy of your plumbing company, is usually the number one way to prevent pet hair from clogging your drain lines.

Plumbing Tip #2 -

Close the toilet lid. Some dogs and cats are a bit more clever than you think and are notorious for drinking out of the toilet. And those same pets don't read labels, either. You know, like Poison, Warning, Danger...etc. So close the toilet lid. Also, remember that cat litter goes in the trash can not in your toilet. Ergo, if you're wondering if it's okay - DON'T! Or your next call will be to your local McAllen plumber.

Plumbing Tip #3 -

Cats and especially dogs, love to dig and dig and dig some more. They don't know that on occasion, your water and sewer lines can be quite shallow. Some less than 18 inches deep. That exposed pipe that might be plastic could look like a chew toy to a dog and really get you in trouble; not to mention a very wet dog

Note: It's true that many professional plumbers are pet owners just like you. That said, take our tips to heart.

Don't let your fluffy pup clog up your drain! If you need drain cleaning in your McAllen, TX home call All Valley Plumbing at (956) 686-6656 today!