Water Conservation Needs To Start At Home, In The Plumbing

McAllen PlumberOlder homes often suffer the dilemma of less efficient plumbing systems having been built well before the need to conserve water and other precious resources became obvious. That does not mean that things cannot be done to improve water usage in these homes without wholesale re-plumbing.

Plumbing is the process of building, installing, maintaining and repairing water and heating systems. Public health is intimately tied in with plumbing.

Before the advent of modern plumbing systems, society suffered the scourge of disease and infection, bacteria and disease including the ravages of typhoid, and dysentery, not to mention the black plague, were directly related to poor sanitation and unfiltered water. Still today, in the third world, the public's health remains tenuous at best, and water-borne diseases still threatens.

Purchasing EPA recommended, WaterSense and ENERGYSTAR, appliances is one place to start addressing issues of water conservation. The EPA's WaterSense program endorses and recommends practices, programs and products that meet and exceed water efficiency and water performance standards.

Today's Water Usage

On average, American households consume 74 gallons of water per day, per capita. This is based on a survey of households devoid of water-saving fixtures or devices.

Water usage broken down by the largest categories of consumption:

Appliance/Use gallons, per capita % of Use, p/day
Toilet 20.1 28
Toilet 20.1 28
Clothes washer 15.1 21
Showers 12.6 17
Faucets 11.1 15
Leaks 10.0 14

The installation of more efficient water fixtures can reduce daily water consumption significantly, by at least 30 percent. This reduces total household water consumption to 50.1 gallons of water per capita, per day, with the added assumption that major water leaks are also eliminated in the process.

Easy Improvements

The toilet alone uses 20.1 gallons per day, per person but by installing a 1.6 or less, gallons per flush water closet, it can reduce consumption to 9.6 gallons per day, per person, reducing daily water consumption by over 10 gallons per day. Ultra-low flush water closets that use one gallon or less of water per flush are available to homeowners, as are dual flush water closets, that offer both low and higher flush choices.
Changing the shower head to accommodate a 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm) head can save 2.6 gallons per person, per day. There are even more efficient shower heads with an ultra-low flow shower head that is less than 2.5 gpm, using 8 gallons of water per person, per day. This is 20 percent less water than the standard shower head currently in use.McAllen Water Conservation
Leaks are a source of tremendous water usage and loss. Often enough they are caused by old flush valves, leaky fittings that are under the house, bathtub valves and leaky faucets.
When repairing and replacing leaking faucets, valves, etc., it is vital to install superior fixtures. Although age may be the cause of some of the leaks, purchasing and installing high quality components will enure long lasting and efficient use of water and energy for the long haul.

Water Conservation Conclusion

Making a series of smaller changes can cumulatively make a real difference in terms of conserving water. Although not mentioned here, there are many additional areas for improving water usage. Utilizing rainwater and runoff, modifying landscaping and irrigation systems and practices can also improve you r resource utilization.

Interested in going green? Call All Valley Plumbing & A/C Co. at (956) 686-6656 to make your McAllen home more energy efficient.