Water Conservation Needs To Start At Home, In The Plumbing
Older homes often suffer the dilemma of less efficient plumbing systems having been built well before the need to conserve water and other precious resources became obvious. That does not mean that things cannot be done to improve water usage in these homes without wholesale re-plumbing.
Plumbing is the process of building, installing, maintaining and repairing water and heating systems. Public health is intimately tied in with plumbing.
Before the advent of modern plumbing systems, society suffered the scourge of disease and infection, bacteria and disease including the ravages of typhoid, and dysentery, not to mention the black plague, were directly related to poor sanitation and unfiltered water. Still today, in the third world, the public's health remains tenuous at best, and water-borne diseases still threatens.
Purchasing EPA recommended, WaterSense and ENERGYSTAR, appliances is one place to start addressing issues of water conservation. The EPA's WaterSense program endorses and recommends practices, programs and products that meet and exceed water efficiency and water performance standards.
Today's Water Usage
On average, American households consume 74 gallons of water per day, per capita. This is based on a survey of households devoid of water-saving fixtures or devices.
Water usage broken down by the largest categories of consumption:
Appliance/Use | gallons, per capita | % of Use, p/day |
Toilet | 20.1 | 28 |
Toilet | 20.1 | 28 |
Clothes washer | 15.1 | 21 |
Showers | 12.6 | 17 |
Faucets | 11.1 | 15 |
Leaks | 10.0 | 14 |
The installation of more efficient water fixtures can reduce daily water consumption significantly, by at least 30 percent. This reduces total household water consumption to 50.1 gallons of water per capita, per day, with the added assumption that major water leaks are also eliminated in the process.
Easy Improvements

Water Conservation Conclusion
Interested in going green? Call All Valley Plumbing & A/C Co. at (956) 686-6656 to make your McAllen home more energy efficient.